A downloadable game

Outside the ordered universe is that amorphous blight of nethermost confusion which blasphemes and bubbles at the center of all infinity — the boundless daemon sultan Azathoth, whose name no lips dare speak aloud, and who gnaws hungrily in inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond time and space amidst the muffled, maddening beating of vile drums and the thin monotonous whine of accursed flutes.

I do not own the 2D art present on this page, they are a placeholder that will be replaced later on. They won't be part of the game. See the section Credits for the sources.


A group of cultists in the city of Kingsport is trying to free Azathoth from its inter-dimensional prison. By doing so, they open portals to other dimensions all over the city, allowing monsters and horrors to slip through, spreading terror amongst the civilians. If they manage to release Azathoth, it would mean the literal end of the world, as the Great Old One would devour the Earth.

You made it your job to prevent them from succeeding. Walking through the city, evading or fighting the atrocious creatures, investigate how to close the portals and discover where the cultists’ hideout is.

Be strategic, the monsters are smart, and some are strong, too strong to fight head on. You must rely on your characters’ abilities and equipment. or buy/exchange items in the city’s dedicated locations. But, be reminded that as the terror in the city increase, those places may close down until the end of the game.


Rise of Azathoth is a turn-based board game. The player can control from 1 to 6 characters, depending on the desired difficulty. Each character has specific abilities and items.

Item can be bought or sold at specific locations, or exchanged between characters.

During the game, special events may happen and apply a bonus or malus to one or more character. A character can trigger a normal event which may apply a bonus or malus to them.

Character Sheet


NB: This is a placeholder character, the biography is taken from the Alice in Wonderlands book. It won't be a part of the game.


  • Mental Health:
    • May decrease during a fight or an evasion with a monster
    • When in the Asylum, regain 1 point per turn
    • When it goes to 0, the character lose all their equipment and are sent to the Asylum
  • Strength:
    • May decrease during a fight with a monster
    • When in the Hospital, regain 1 point per turn
    • When it goes to 0, the character lose all their equipment and are sent to the Hospital
  • Focus:
    • Indicate by how much you can adjust the character's abilities for the current turn
      Shift Speed/Stealth by 2 columns on the right.
      Shift both Stamina/Will and Knowledge/Luck by one column on the left


The white selector indicate the value of the ability for the current turn. The player can adjust this selector at the beginning of each turn using the Focus statistic.

During the game events, or a battle with a monster, those abilities will be required to perform a test. Higher numbers result in a lowered difficulty of the test.

Monster Sheet


Item Structure


City Map


Turn Phases

  1. Characters' Abilities Adjustment
  2. Triggering special events
  3. Characters movements
  4. Items exchange between characters
  5. Monsters movements
  6. Triggering normal events
  7. Battles resolution



Battle System



Picture of Azathoth Source: The H.P. Lovecraft Wiki
Picture of a Cultist Source: Daniel Zrom Art
Kingsport Street Map Source: Donovan K. Loucks